Weekly Devlog #2 - Week 9 (devlog by NickJW001)

devlog by NickJW001

Development on our new game: “Junked”, has begun.

Player Character Development 

The player character’s arms and head were constructed (Figure 1 and 2 respectively). Where the body would consist of a cylinder before connecting to its mode of transport e.g., legs

Player Character's Head

Figure 1

Player Character's Arm

Figure 2

Player Character Movement

As far as the actual movement for the character through the game world was concerned, two options arose. Option one was to have the character move on a wheel as shown in Figure 3. Option two was to have the character move on two (or more) legs. However, since the legs would take more time and effort to model and animate, option 2 was given the green light for implementation. It involved extruding connected cylinders multiple times to make a continuously connected wheel axle and wheel.

Player Character's Wheel

Figure 3

Putting the player character together

The player character’s constituent parts were assembled to create the very first rendition of the character. It was placed in a test scenario and coupled with a script to allow it to move and jump as seen in Figure 4 and 5.

Player Character Moving

Figure 4

Player Character Jumping

Figure 5

Creating the player character’s shooting arm

To give the player character the ability to shoot its enemies and for the combat experience to feel smooth for the player, one of the character’s arms will be replaced by a “gun arm”. 

A shoulder joint (Figure 6) was modelled to mount the gun arm on, which would afford more movement to aim the gun arm. 

The gun arm is modelled as a two barrelled cannon with a spring to give the appearance of recoil. It is seen in figure 6 connected to the shoulder joint shown in Figure 7.

Ball Joint

Figure 6

Gun Arm

Figure 7

Enemy Character Development

“Junked” will have two main enemy archetypes which are:

Enemy 1: Scrappers 

(Figure 8)

Initially, to make development easier. The legs will only be animated to move up and down asynchronously while the scrapper as a whole model, moves forward. This will give the impression of the scrapper moving because of its legs. This enemy will be delivered in game as the basic enemy archetype and will have a melee style attack.

Enemy 2: Guards

(Figure 9)

The Guard is an enemy character which will be the approximate size of the player character. They will present a different challenge to the player because unlike the Scrapper enemy, they can have a ranged attack.


Figure 8


Figure 9 Figure 9 By Dream AI from: https://dream.ai/create

Get Junked

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